Fine and Fit Physiques Unlimited is a leading health and fitness organization, providing highly effective, lifestyle transformation training since 1996. Body Sculpting guru and Lifestyle Transformation Coach, Luck Adonis DesRavines created this exciting company, in the effort to help reshape America by combating the ever-growing obesity rate. For over 20 years, we have helped thousands of people reach their fitness and lifestyle transformation goals by providing our clients a program that goes far beyond the typical norm of personal training. Join our transformation programs and experience a new level of endurance, strength, well-being, and overall self-confidence.
Our mission is to assist our clients acquire a better understanding of fitness and nutrition, and its overall benefits in life. A better understanding carries the potential of launching the individual to make improvements in their life that are necessary to succeed. Whether it pertains to weight loss management or body sculpting, personal physical gains may lead to personal psychological gains, thus creating tremendous advantages for the participating individual.
Our objective is to provide each individual client the opportunity to achieve optimal cardiovascular and muscular strength and conditioning thereby enabling him or her to perform at optimal levels through occupation, hobby, or sport. Enabling each individual to perform at optimal levels creates an increased likelihood of achieving success.
Your time with us at Fine and Fit Physiques Unlimited will open your eyes to a new fitness philosophy, one that builds your body from your CORE, while training movements not muscles. You will work with fitness professionals that are dedicated to providing you with a life-changing fitness experience.
Through the application of our unique “Pillars of Performance Training System”, we’ll transform your body by seamlessly integrating aspects of yoga, Pilates, core conditioning, functional strength training, as well as metabolic cardio conditioning. This unique approach to total body fitness guarantees to transform your body and energize your life.